At my last Supervisor meeting, I allowed my supervisor, James Scanlan to look over my questionnaire thus far and was given the following feedback:
- I should establish, to some degree what my project is about
- I should address my deviation of time within my questionnaire as they don't make sense
- I should use some scale questions in order to address more "artsy" questions in relation to the track as this may better cover the "perception" aspect of my question.
In response to this feedback i have made the following amendments:
This project aims to determine how peoples perceptions of a song are altered by the use of different recording techniques.
In order to do this, it will be necessary for you to listen to two versions of the same song, simply labelled A and B.
Please pay close attention to which version is which before answering the questions below.
Gender? (delete as appropriate): Male/Female/Do not wish to disclose
Age? (delete as appropriate): 13-17/18-24/25-34/35-44/45-44/55+
Which is your preferred musical genre out of the following? (Select only one): Rock/Metal/Pop/Dance/Folk/Other (Please Specify) ______________
How many hours per week do you spend listening to music?(select only one): less than and hour/Up to 4 hours/Up to 8 hours/Up to 12 hours/Up to 16 hours/Up to 24 hours/Up to 28 hours/Up to 32 hours/Up to 32+ hours
How often do you purchase music, either as CD's or digital downloads? (Select only one):
once a year/twice a year/three times a year/four times a year/6 times a year/once a month/twice a month/once a week/several times a week
How often do you attend live musical showcases, such as concerts or gig? (Select only one):
once a year/twice a year/three times a year/four times a year/6 times a year/once a month/twice a month/once a week/several times a week
A Neither A nor B B
Which version of the song did you prefer?
Which version of the song did you feel was better produced?
Which version of the song did you feel was a better
performance by the band?
Which version of the song would you be more
inclined to buy?
The following questions are specific to version A of the song. Please answer on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being the most negative, 5 the most positive and 3 neutral:
How energetic was the song? 1 2 3 4 5
How engaging was the song? 1 2 3 4 5
How relatable did you find the song? 1 2 3 4 5
The following questions are specific to version B of the song. Please answer on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being the most negative, 5 the most positive and 3 neutral:
How energetic was the song? 1 2 3 4 5
How engaging was the song? 1 2 3 4 5
How relatable did you find the song? 1 2 3 4 5
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