Friday, 23 March 2012

Black To Grey Mix

The first step was to double the kick drum in order to create a "click" sound on one of these tracks to permit the kick drum to cut through the mix. E.Q. and compression was then applied to each element and altered depending on what was necessary for each. An auxiliary reverb channel was then created and the snare channel were run through this as the snare used for recording had an extremely "dry" sound. Another Reverb channel was then added to the whole drum kit to add an overall "room" sound, which can then be duplicated for the other elements in order to tie the mix together.

E.Q. and compression were then added to each of the bass tracks which were then balanced against one another before being balanced with the drum parts. Reverb was added in order to add the same "room" sound as was created on the drum kit.

E.Q. and compression was then added to the guitar tracks. These were the balanced individually, balanced against one another, balanced within the mix and then reverb was added to create the same "room" sound as was previously mentioned.

E.Q. and compression were then added to the lead vocals, which had been recorded twice in order to thicken the the lead lines. These were ran through the same reverb as the rest of the instruments. In addition, Slap back delay was added to the vocals, in an attempt to warm the vocal performance and reduce the harshness.

E.Q., Compression and Reverb were once again added to the backing vocal part, to make them sit nicely under the lead vocal part.

As can been seen above, the toms were strip silenced, this was done as the toms were ringing loudly which could not be corrected with E.Q. and undermined the mix as a whole.

The Vocal parts were also stripped and the headphone mix was audible and also the singer cleared his voice or coughed on several occasions.

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