I have carried out first mixes of all of the tracks for my honours project, although due to the wonders of modern technology one of these mixes has been lost to the world of computing confusion.
The following link connect to the successful and still existing 2 mixes (The Insider and Killers and Saints)
http://soundcloud.com/moleman23/sets/first-mixes-with-vocals (Please note, the third track, Black To Grey, has since been added. Notes are yet to be made as the mix was finished quite late at night, also the mix was carried out on headphones and i feel since the others were mixed on speaker this will give the mixes and unfair advantage)
I have made the following notes after analytically listening to the tracks:
The Insider
Drums too dry
To much separation between elements
Good vocal balance
Slightly thin vocal?
Bass overpowering in chorus
E.Q. is generally good on the tracks
Swap Vocal parts in last chorus
End is messy, bass to loud again?
Overhead intro, perhaps raise level to reintroduce room sound
Boxy!!!! Reverb on master?
Killers and Saints
To muddy
Vocals to dry
Bass waaay to prominent
kick drum doesn't cut through properly
guitar may need more high end (generally overly filtered?)
Dark sounding mix
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