Sunday, 1 January 2012

Pre Production - Arranging Recording Date

I confirmed the date for the recording session for my honours project with all members of the band I intend to record. Here is a transcription of the conversation with the drummer, with whom it was necessary to pre arrange the recording as he lives out with Dundee. Please ignore his ridiculousness.

Me: are you free to record on... probably the 8th of february?
for my project
Drummer: Let me see....
Just checking my diary
I have a pedicure on the 4th
a colonic on the 5th
Me: probs be a 10 hour session
Drummer: but I was really wanting to know what was going to happen on the 9thI could maybe shift my psychic reading to the 10th
Me: this is all going in my blog Ross
Drummer: Ach, I'll do it
Fate will just have to take its own course I guess...

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