Saturday, 24 December 2011

Pre Production - Second Mix Jam 1

I have completed the second mix of Jam 1.

These are the revised settings for the drum compressor.

These are the revised settings for the Drum E.Q.

These are the revised settings for the bass Compression

These are the revised settings for the Bass EQ.

These are the revised settings for the guitar EQ

I also added some automation to the guitar track, to give it more impact when the other instruments kick in. I also boosted the level during the solo to make it stand out better for the rest of the mix.

I also added a master fade to the end of the track to cause the track to gradually fade out, giving it a neater ending than it initially had.

I also tried strip silencing the drums on the recording, however the spillage from the guitar and bass caused this to sound unnatural and cause dramatic rises and dips in volume.

Here is the new version of Jam 1

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