Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Questionnaire Research

After a conversation with my peer, Daryl Robertson,  it has occurred to me that I may be able to better analyse the answers given by my test subjects by establishing more information about them first. As such my questionnaire now looks as follows.

These questions would be as follows:

Gender? (delete as appropriate): Male/Female/Do not wish to disclose

Age? (delete as appropriate): 13-17/18-24/25-34/35-44/45-44/55+ 

Which is your preferred musical genre out of the following? (Select only one): Rock/Metal/Pop/Dance/Folk/Other (Please Specify) ______________

How many hours per week do you spend listening to music?(select only one): less than and hour/Up to 4 hours/Up to 8 hours/Up to 12 hours/Up to 16 hours/Up to 24 hours/Up to 28 hours/Up to 32 hours/Up to 32+ hours

How often do you purchase music, either as CD's or digital downloads? (select only one):
More than twice a week/Up to once a week/Up to once a month/Up to 4 times a year/Less than twice a year

How often do you attend live musical showcases, such as concerts or gig? (Select only one):
More than twice a week/Up to once a week/Up to once a month/Up to 4 times a year/Less than twice a year

                                                                                                                A           Neither A nor B       B

Which version of the song did you prefer?

Which version of the song did you feel was better produced?

Which version of the song did you feel was a better 
performance by the band?

Which version of the song, if any, would you be more 
inclined to buy? 

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