Saturday, 22 October 2011

Refining aims and objectives for project proposal

The aim of my project is to create a recording of a live band, and produce this without altering the integrity of the initial recording, in order to determine whether over production within the music industry has become common practice out of  a need to meet consumers expectations or not. 

Objective 1:
To research recording, mixing and editing techniques within both live and studio recording environments and evaluate the practical applications of these in relation to my project.

Objective 2:
To execute a recording of live music within a studio environment and then use the fore-mentioned techniques in order  to produce a mix of this track within the parameters of the project.

Objective 3:
To collate data of various peoples responses to this mix when compared to a conventionally produced track, in order to determine the reaction of a consumer market to a recording of this type.

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