Saturday, 29 October 2011


This week I have been working on completing my Concept Development blog in preperation for its submission on Monday. I have also been doing some general research as well as carrying out further work on my project proposal.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

To Look Up

Metallica - St Anger (The why?) vs Death Magnetic (under produced, why?)
The Slash Album (everything recorded simulataneously to tape, except solos and vocal - Song "watch this")
Wasting Light - Foo Fighters ( recorded to tape, nothing quantized)
The Hunter - Mastadon (drums not quantized or sampled)
Differences between Blackbird and ABIII (guitar on blackbird different sound to live sound vs live equipment used on ABIII)
Dookie - Green Day (recorded in one week)
Foo Fighters - Foo Fighter

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Project Map

I have been working on my project proposal, and in aid of this completed a first draft of my project map.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Refining aims and objectives for project proposal

The aim of my project is to create a recording of a live band, and produce this without altering the integrity of the initial recording, in order to determine whether over production within the music industry has become common practice out of  a need to meet consumers expectations or not. 

Objective 1:
To research recording, mixing and editing techniques within both live and studio recording environments and evaluate the practical applications of these in relation to my project.

Objective 2:
To execute a recording of live music within a studio environment and then use the fore-mentioned techniques in order  to produce a mix of this track within the parameters of the project.

Objective 3:
To collate data of various peoples responses to this mix when compared to a conventionally produced track, in order to determine the reaction of a consumer market to a recording of this type.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Personal Statement

AG1064A: Professional Practice – Personal Statement

Michael Carey
Student Number:
Creative Sound Production
Musical Sound Production

Personal Statement
Inspiration and Interests

I am inspired by a variety of different bands and artist, both large well known acts as well as smaller and less well known ones. I am very interested in how a conventionally recorded album or EP is conveyed live and have found in the past, to my disappointment, that many bands are unable to deliver a song at the same standard or with the same impact as they are “capable” of on a multitrack recording. It is this interest which has inspired my initial idea for an honours years project in which a conventionally produced recording is compared to one where all the musicians are playing in the same room at the same time, to see if this live element has an adverse effect on the recording produced, as well as peoples perception of a recording of this sort.

Career and Creative Aims

It is my hope, after university, to work as a sound producer in either a live music environment or as a studio engineer within the music industry.

Current Skills and Abilities

I am familiar with Pro Tools, an industry standard digital audio workstation , and am also familiar with various recording techniques, such as microphone techniques,which are regularly used in a studio environment. I am also a relatively good bass player, and have a good understanding of the inner working of electrical guitars and basses, as well as a good understanding electrical maintenance. I also have a good knowledge of sound equipment and the regulations surrounding the use of this kind of equipment.

Skill Gaps

I feel my recording, editing and mixing skills could all stand to be improved upon, as although I have had some experience in all of these areas, it has not been as substantial as I would have liked. Further to this, I feel my organisation skills and management skills need to improved.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Mind Map of research areas

First Draft Aims + Objectives

It is my aim to investigate methods of recording a live band within a studio environment. This research will then be applied within a recording in order to determine how a person responds to a recording of this kind and how this varies from there response to a conventional recording of the same song.

Objective 1:
To research recording methods within both live and studio recording environments.

Objective 2:
To execute a recording of live music within a studio environment and then use conventional practices to engineer this recording, without altering the integrity of the initial recording

Objective 3:
To collate data detailing how people reacted to the project recording in contrast to the conventionally executed recording.