Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Points based on questionnaire response

Based on the responses I have been getting from my questionnaire, it has been made clear that people prefer the studio produced, conventional version. I have decided to make the following points as part of my results and discussion chapter:

  • Convention: people may prefer version A as it is done in a style to which they have become accustomed
  • Quality control: fault on the part of the proper (me) in terms of quality control, not ensuring the quality of the recording was a high enough standard while there was still opportunity to re-record tracks
  • Time constraints: limitations placed on me by hand in meant that I had around a month to mix my version B's to the best of my ability, whilst the version A's were recorded and mixed over a period of 8 months, a time period I simply did not have at my disposal.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Questionnaire Day 1

I have so far sent out 15 or 16 questionnaires and have received 9 responses.

There are no 2 which are the same, however most people are identifying version B as the live one and consider it a better performance.

Most people prefer version A, which was not entirely unexpected when you consider that 6 months were spent mixing these tracks as opposed to the 12 hours or so spent on mine.

as far as the question relating to whether or not people wish to hear more recording like this i am getting fairly mixed recording, which I did not expect.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Posting Questionnaire

Tonight i have created an instruction sheet for my questionnaire, as well as setting up a sound cloud which will exclusively host 2 set lists each containing a version A and version B and labelled questionnaire 1 or 2 depending on which link is included in the questionnaire instructions.

So this is clear when i come to right it in my dissertation (and so i can remember when i am trying to correlate results) Questionnaire 1 (Click this to view related sound cloud set list) will be Black to Grey and Questionnaire 2Questionnaire 2 (same deal as before) will be The Insider.

In both instances, Track A is the original version and NOT the version I have created for my honours project, making track B my version (obviously), although in the case of black to grey i have reversed the order in which A and B play as i cannot shuffle songs in sound cloud and i wish to avoid creating a bias by playing one track before the other.

I have decided to do this largely to avoid confusion when I am collecting results.

I intend to test each questionnaire on 2 volunteers tomorrow to ensure I have made it simple enough and well explained enough to answer.

Providing this goes well I will begin badgering people via social networking sites to take part in my test. I will allow a week of sending out questionnaires and, providing I receive an adequate number of responses (upwards of 30) I will move on to analysing them. Failing an adequate number of responses i will extend my testing by a further week, however i think it is unlikely that this will be necessary.