Friday, 30 September 2011

Further thought on initial idea 2

After a discussion with a group of my peers, it was suggested that rather than comparing 2 versions of the same song, it may be a better idea to critically analyse a song from a period where live band recording was the norm as well as a song produced using modern production techniques, taking what are the "good aspects" of each recording, and try and bring these together into one recording.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Further Thought on initial idea

I carried out a mind map of various areas which tied into my initial idea, which I am currently unable to get a high quality image of to post onto this blog. I therefore broke the mind map down into areas i wished to research and limitations within my project, at present these are as follows.

Areas of Research

  • Live microphone techniques/mic types
  • Studio microphone techniques/mic types
  • Acoustic treatment within different environments
  • Spaces available (advantages/disadvantages)
  • Previous, similar work 
  • Limiting Sound Spillage within the space (as preventing it will be impossible)

Limitations to Project Idea

  • Funds 
  • Time constraints
  • Available spaces (which ties back to funds as well as areas of research).
  • Equipment available (once again relating back to funds)
  • Health and safety regulations within the industry (i.e. dB levels, ear protection etc.)

Further to this, after a conversation with a pier (Daryl Robertson) doing a project within the area of live sound, who had decided to expand his project to encompass an additional medium, it occurred to me than it may be beneficial to my project to include a different genre of music.

Specifically, I am considering also carrying out the same procedure with and acoustic singer/songwriter, where the artist is recorded as would be done under real studio conditions, and then the procedure is repeated as if the artist is performing live and both are mixed using conventional industry practices.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Initial Idea

My initial idea is based around carrying out a studio recording within a studio environment where a full band plays live and all components are recorded simultaneously, then mixing and editing it without the use of sampling, auto-tune, time correction etc. to improve the actual performance.

This recording will then be mixed in the conventional way, although still adhering to the previously set out restraints. This will the be compared to a recording of the same song, although in this case produced in a conventional manner, meaning all part were recorded separately, meaning all the fore-mentioned mixing and editing techniques which were previously not used will be permitted.

The aim of this is to see if it is possible to use a live recording to produce an album quality track. This aims to address the problem of bands producing recorded work, such as albums and E.P's, of a very high standard which they are then incapable of reproducing live.